New Design Method: Information Outage Minimization

For a fixed rotation $ S$ and $ n_c$ fixed MIMO channel matrices $ H_i$, $ i=1 \ldots n_c$, defined by the $ n_c$ fading blocks, let $ \mathcal{I}_{SH}=I(z;y)$ denote the average mutual information of the equivalent channel with QAM input $ z$ and complex output $ y$ as in (1). The expression of $ \mathcal{I}_{SH}$ is

$\displaystyle \mathcal{I}_{SH} = s.m.n_t - \frac{1}{n_c} \sum_{i=1}^{n_c} E_{z,...
...ft( \frac{\sum_{z^{'}} p(y\vert z^{'},SH_i)} {p(y\vert z,SH_i)} \right) \right]$ (6)

where $ E_{z,y\vert SH_i}$ is the conditional mathematical expectation over $ z$ and $ y$. The channel likelihood is written in its classical form

$\displaystyle p(y\vert z,SH) \propto \exp \left( -\frac{\Vert y-zSH\Vert^2}{2\sigma^2} \right)$ (7)

Expression (6) assumes that the precoder $ S$ does space-time spreading within the same fading block $ H_i$. Its main role is to collect transmit diversity. Time diversity $ n_c$ is collected by the convolutional code whereas receive diversity is naturally collected by the detector. The information rate transmitted by the space-time BICM is $ R=s.m.n_t.R_c$ bits per $ s$ time periods. An outage occurs if the instantaneous capacity, i.e. $ \mathcal{I}_{SH}$ in our case, is less than $ R$. The outage probability associated to the rotation $ S$ at a given signal-to-noise ratio is

Figure 2: Outage limits for $ n_t=n_c=s=2$, $ n_r=1$, and $ R_c=1/2$.
\begin{figure}\epsfxsize =14cm

$\displaystyle P_{out}(S) = P \left( \mathcal{I}_{SH} < s.m.n_t.R_c\right)$ (8)

The new design, called IOM (Information Outage Minimization), selects a matrix $ S_{IOM}$ within the ensemble $ \aleph$ of random unitary matrices such that

$\displaystyle S_{IOM}= \arg ~\min_{S \in \aleph} ~ P_{out}(S)$ (9)

As an example, choosing the best rotation within an ensemble $ \aleph$ limited to 2000 matrices yields the matrix written below, for QPSK alphabet with $ n_t=s=2$ and coding rate $ R_c=1/2$

$\displaystyle S_{IOM} = \left[\begin{array}{cccc}
0.57e^{+j1.71} & 0.64e^{+j1.5...
...0.84} & 0.57e^{+j1.74} & 0.53e^{+j3.05} & 0.43e^{-j2.66}\\

A smaller set $ \aleph_G$ of random unitary matrices is obtained by adding to $ \aleph$ the first genie constraint, i.e. orthogonal sub-rows in $ S$. This second design, called G-IOM, selects a matrix $ S_{G-IOM}$ satisfying

$\displaystyle S_{G-IOM}= \arg ~\min_{S \in \aleph_G} ~ P_{out}(S)$ (10)

As an example, choosing the best rotation within an ensemble $ \aleph_G$ limited to 2000 matrices yields the matrix written below, for QPSK alphabet with $ n_t=s=2$ and coding rate $ R_c=1/2$

$\displaystyle S_{G-IOM} = \left[\begin{array}{cccc}
0.88e^{-j0.30} & 0 & 0 & 0....
...^{+j2.85} & 0\\
0 & 0.88e^{+j2.96} & 0.47e^{-j1.49} & 0\\

Figure 3: Outage limits for $ n_t=n_c=s=2$, $ n_r=1$, and $ R_c=3/4$.
\begin{figure}\epsfxsize =14cm

In a similar fashion, a DNA-IOM precoder minimizes the information outage and satisfies DNA constraints [10]. The matrix $ S_{DNA}$ given below corresponds to $ n_t=4$ and $ s=2$. The DNA-IOM precoder is obtained by combining $ S_{DNA}$ with $ \xi_{DNA-IOM}$. Also, the DNA cyclotomic precoder is constructed by combining $ S_{DNA}$ to $ \xi_{DNA-Cyclo}=S_{Cyclo}$ given previously in (3).

$\displaystyle S_{DNA} = \left[\begin{array}{cccccccc}
\xi_{11} & \xi_{12} & 0 &...
0 & 0 & \xi_{41} & \xi_{42} & 0 & 0 & \xi_{43} & \xi_{44}

$\displaystyle \xi_{DNA-IOM} = \left[\begin{array}{cccc}
0.73e^{-j0.81} & 0.22e^...
...+j1.01} & 0.78e^{+j3.49} & 0.51e^{+j2.27} & 0.20e^{+j0.91}

Figures 2 and 3 show the outage limit for different type of precoders in terms of Word Error Rate versus signal-to-noise ratio. The outage probability has been also evaluated for other system parameters. Surprisingly, algebraic precoders satisfying the first genie condition perform as good as G-IOM precoding. Cyclotomic rotation and Golden code are superimposed with G-IOM in Figure 2. All outage evaluations have been made by (6) and (8), without gaussian and analytical approximations when the channel input is a gaussian alphabet as in [18][20].
Joseph Jean Boutros 2005-05-07